The underlying theme of TIMEKODE X Volume 2: Montreal is ongoing police violence against people of colour, specifically the death of Abdirah-man Abdi at the hands of two Ottawa officers this past July. Memetic is also working to encourage more artists in the DJ community everywhere to speak out on the issue.
Read moreThe visual side of RIDEAU2RICHMOND
Colin White is the visual guru of Memplex and RIDEAU2RICHMOND. Find out more about him and his influence on the project.
Read moreRIDEAU2RICHMOND record shop rundown!
A running list of the shops carrying RIDEAU2RICHMOND around the world
Read moreRIDEAU2RICHMOND Available Now
After months in the making, Rideau2Richmond is now available on vinyl at record stores around Ottawa, as well as London, UK, where Memetic recently visited.
Look for R2R on any store that sells vinyl along the #2 bus route in Ottawa (and a few shops that are not far from the route, such as Birdman)
Or simply order the vinyl or digital download of R2R on Bandcamp right now.
Read moreRevue: R2R Release at TIMEKODE
How wild was the release party? Really wild - and there were t-shirts!
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